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Delivery Time
For UK customers, we aim to deliver in no longer than 2 to 4 working days.
European customers, orders may take up to 5 to 7 days to arrive.
International orders are aimed to be completed in around 8 to 12 days.
*Please note during busy periods these times may be slightly extended due to the nature of everything being hand made from start to finish, rest assured we will be working to get them out as fast as possible.
Burn Information
Our candles have been designed to keep their shape when burnt correctly.
- Maintain wick length to 1/4 of a inch
- On the first burn, always burn for 3-4 hours to ensure even melt pool.
- Do not burn for longer than 4 hours, exterior wax will become too hot.
- Never leave candle unattended or on overnight.
Shoe Box (Gift Wrapped)
You now have the choice as to whether you would like your Sneaker Candle to come packaged in a Crep Candle shoe box.
Whereas this used to come as standard, we now give you the opportunity to save money if you do not wish to have the shoe box.
For all gifts we highly recommend including our Crep Candle shoe box packaging to make it extra special for those receiving this special gift.